There’s a scientific phenomenon that explains an idea called “Confirmation Bias.” Cognitive researchers have found that we have an unconscious tendency to seek out and readily accept information that confirms our preconceptions, and to ignore, distort, or discount information that contradicts (or disconfirms) them.
People often ask me if I get nervous before delivering a presentation. Right now, I’m on a plane headed to Dallas to present a 12 minute TED style talk to over 500 CEOs and entrepreneurs. Am I nervous? You betcha! Research shows speaking in public is the number one fear humans face. Second only to death.
I have been blown away by the number of requests I've received on social media and email asking me to share prior video posts from LinkedIn and Facebook to help accelerate sales. Everyone seems to have a favorite. I’m going to provide you with the top 3 audience favorites from the last six months. These videos have received more than 10,000 views each. Watch these starting now and increase your sales, accelerate close time and enjoy more fun in the sun this summer!