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Closing the sale

Increase your sales success and overcome the toughest objections. Whether you’re a sales manager, closer or salesperson aspiring to become a leader, the key success factors taught in these blogs will give you the skills to achieve your goals.

Shari Levitin Jill KonrathClosing the salePersonal Professional DevelopmentSales Training Articles

How to Recover after Getting off on the Wrong Foot

Two weeks ago, I met my new friend, sales guru and best selling author, Jill Konrath, at the San Francisco airport and Ubered to my place. Before long, we were craving some goodies so decided to hop in my car and head to the nearest grocery store. The next thing I knew, I ran over her foot! Nice work huh? Running over your mentor’s foot? Then I wrote this article about it.
Maria MargenotClosing the saleHeart and Sell PodcastsSales Training Articles

Why You Need Emotional Intelligence to Thrive in Sales

At some point, we’ve all let our emotions get the best of us, but how do we prevent our emotions from running our sales presentations and sabotaging our success? In this never before heard podcast, Shari Levitin, author of Heart and Sell: 10 Universal Truths Every Salesperson Needs to Know, interviews president and founder of SalesLeadership, Inc. and creator of Ei Selling System®, Colleen Stanley about her breakthrough book, Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success, and why our emotions—and how we manage them—play a pivotal role in both our work and personal lives. In this podcast, you’ll learn: Why accurately identifying…
Shari Levitin blogClosing the saleSales PresentationsSales Training Articles

3 Methods to Kill the Objection “It’s cheaper on the Internet.”

I’ve heard it a thousand times. Freaked-out salespeople claim that increased product options coupled with competition from the Internet are costing them sales. “They can buy it cheaper on the Internet,” they complain. My response? “So what?” Since when do you only shop for the cheapest option? Do you only eat at Burger King? Or will you pay a little extra for Kobe Beef and a fresh shrimp cocktail every now and again? How? #1 - Make a list of intangible benefits you can offer. On the Internet, people often can’t get – and will pay extra for – a…