1. The Three Types of Sales Questions You Must Ask
You can’t make an emotional connection with random questions. Too often salespeople fall victim to the flaw of not listening. This is why, years ago, I developed the concept of first, second, and third level questions. These different levels will keep you focused and engaged, ensuring you don’t always fall into your standard pitch. Your goal should be to determine your prospect’s true heart motivator, not to recite your same old spiel. The better your discovery, the better you’re able to tailor your pitch to the wants and needs of your customer. You’ll make far more sales by asking a series of targeted, thoughtful, and empathetic questions in your discovery than you’ll ever make by delivering a perfectly practiced presentation.
2. 3 Outdated Techniques That Won’t Work in 2019!
What worked for you last year, won’t work for you this year. Just like the technology around us, we have to continually update our professional techniques and habits so they keep working to our advantage. Habits are a natural part of being human. The problem, of course, is when we get stuck in the bad habits or outdated sales techniques that no longer serve us. My favorite neighbor, Mr. Roger, said, “If it’s mentionable, it’s manageable.” Once we’re aware of our bad habits and outdated techniques, we can take the steps we need to change them. By simply having that awareness, we can change what we do, what we earn, AND ultimately, who we become.
3. Salespeople, Do Your Homework!
If you want to be successful, you MUST do your homework. Who exactly is this prospect? What role do they play? How long has he or she been in their position? But don’t stop there. Dig deeper. In the age of information overload, it’s never been easier for you to research prospects and their companies. I even recommend going so far as searching the groups your prospect associates with via LinkedIn. You’re looking for any commonalities you can use to establish rapport. Once you’ve gathered everything you think you can find, go a step farther. Get ahead of your competition by relentlessly researching new market trends to use to your advantage. For instance, do you know what day is best to prospect? I do. Do your homework.
Here’s to your success.