Slump: a decrease, decline, or deterioration.
No one likes a slump but almost every good salesperson goes through at least one in their career. If you find yourself in a slump, follow these proven techniques to get back on the fast track.
- Stop saying “I’m in a slump.” What you think about expands. Redirect your thoughts and your speech. Tell yourself you’re #1.
- Take a day and be a tourist. Go play! On your next day off, share in the things that your customers or visitors to the area would do: Hit a theme park, ski the mountain, go to a show, book an activity, take pictures. You’ll come back renewed and excited to sell your product or service.
- Observe the top salespeople in your company in action. Watch what they do, listen to their voice inflection, write down three things you learned and apply them.
- Call one of your customers just to touch base. Ask them how they’re enjoying their product. Ask them to share what they like best about their purchase. Share this information with your next customer.
- Listen better/ask better questions. The better your questions, the better the response. Ask your customers the questions you’re afraid to ask.
- Do your presentation backwards. Yes backwards. Start by telling them the price range and then work your way backwards from there. Warning: do this only once, and with your manager’s permission.
- Buy a new pair of shoes.
- Have your mother or another loved one tell you your best three personality traits.
- Smile. Hold your head high. Resist the temptation to slouch, fall or droop. Be proud!
- Remember, it’s only your job; it’s not your life.