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3 Methods to Kill the Objection “It’s cheaper on the Internet.”

Shari Levitin blog

I’ve heard it a thousand times. Freaked-out salespeople claim that increased product options coupled with competition from the Internet are costing them sales.

“They can buy it cheaper on the Internet,” they complain. My response?
“So what?”

Since when do you only shop for the cheapest option? Do you only eat at Burger King? Or will you pay a little extra for Kobe Beef and a fresh shrimp cocktail every now and again?


#1 – Make a list of intangible benefits you can offer.

On the Internet, people often can’t get – and will pay extra for – a competent and caring human being who can solve their problem and help them through the buying process

• Tech support
• Babysitting services
• Restaurant recommendations
• Your expertise
• Great feeling during the sales experience
• Connection
• After-sale servicing
• Community: Ability to meet others who bought the same product or service

Consider This

Recently the use of travel agents has risen by 36%. Sure, you can look up the best photography trip in Iceland on the Internet, but sometimes it’s much better to talk to Magda, the travel agent, about the exact inlets, hotels, and roadways that she and her clients find most compelling.

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